Cheer leading here in Texas is almost as big as football. Well, actually competitive cheer is big here. Almost all little girls do cheer. I was surprised when Taylor came to me and wanted to sign up. I wasn't really excited about getting involved with the competitive cheer thing, but Upward was doing sign ups for cheer leading for their basketball program, so I signed her up. She has really enjoyed the experience. Her cheer leading team is the Allstars and she is the oldest girl on her team and also the tallest! Although there were fourth graders on her team they were all pretty short. The Upward cheer program, like basketball was VERY positive. The girls also received stars for their participation, leadership, memorizing the weekly scripture and Christlike attitude. She had a VERY sweet coach who had the patients of Job!! Because they cheered for both teams so did everyone in the stands. At one game the orange team had a boy who wasn't as coordinated as the other players. He didn't get the ball much and when he did the blue team managed to take it from him. After multiple tries his orange teammates were throwing him the ball and the blue team was backing off so he could score. After a few attempts he was able to score and the ENTIRE gym including BOTH teams yelled and clapped for him. The look on his face as he ran back was pure joy! It totally brought tears to my eyes. It truly has been a GREAT experience....
Getting ready to do the halftime cheer.
Ready....hit it!
"come on crowd get loud...yell lets go upward"!
THE whole reason Taylor cheered and Hunter played game nachos....YUM!!
im so glad that she decided to cheer - you can't live in texas and not do it at least once!
Taylor is so pretty, I am glad to hear it went well
That's how cheering should be! Too bad parents can't continue cheering like that on the stands. Good for the Upward program and yeah for Taylor for wanting to cheer!
A cheerleader in your house!! AGH! At least it's with Upward. Sounds like the perfect match b.c cheer in Texas can be a deadly sport...
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